Out now! Lady of the Forge: Stories and Art Dedicated to the Goddess Brigid The latest Girl God Books Anthology is available to purchase at the Girl God website or online stores. Throughout this book you will see many stunning pieces of art, and read many beautiful works, including essays, stories, histories, poems, chants, prayers, and incantations dedicated to the goddess and Saint, Brigid. She is a goddess who has not just survived the Christianisation of Europe, but thrived since it. No matter what name you know Brigid by, or how you celebrate this loving goddess, you are one of us: a follower of Brigid, and one of her many, many children. So, let us do the most Brigid-thing of all, join hands and begin this journey together, reading and honouring Brigid as a collective, joined together by threads of love and healing energy. "This germinal book gifts the reader a vast array of heart-warming, soul-stirring expressions of devotion to Brigid. The sense of dedication from each contributor to the force of nature that is this pre-Celtic goddess is so palpable, so tangible you can almost taste its power. Brigid's relevance today is vital to the future of our beautiful blue-green home Earth. Our modern lives converge with those of her time though now our battles are climate change and social justice. To walk with Brigid is a brave step, to hear her call is an act of reverence for the balance and harmony of the Divine Feminine and Masculine – equal but different. She will be our guide and guardian as we remember who we truly are and why we have chosen to incarnate in this pivotal shift in human consciousness." -Dr. Karen Ward Edited by Isca Johnson, Pat Daly and Trista Hendren I’m delighted to have two featured submissions published in the Anthology: Polarity and Unity: Paradox Mentorship with the MAIDEN Goddess Brigid and Crone sits by the Fireside with Brigid at Beltane
09 lessons learned from working in a non-Neurodivergent-affirming environment Final Thoughts2/7/2025 Repost of Neurodiverse Connection blog:
NdC Development Lead Kay Louise Aldred shares nine lessons learned from her past experience working in a non-Neurodivergent-affirming environment. Working in a non-Neurodivergent-affirming environment can feel like navigating a maze. These workplaces often follow rigid neuronormative expectations that marginalise Neurodivergent individuals, making even day-to-day tasks overwhelming. Here are some key lessons I learned from navigating such a space: 01 The importance of proper induction and onboarding Without a clear induction process, I was left floundering. A proper induction and structured onboarding experience—outlining expectations, workflows, and support systems—is not just a courtesy; it is necessary, especially for Neurodivergent individuals who thrive with clarity and predictability. When this was missing, I realised how critical it is to advocate for myself, even if it meant repeatedly asking for guidance, and escalating when necessary. In future, I would request the induction schedule and onboarding process and procedure in advance of starting a job. 02 Reasonable adjustments are essential, not optional A lack of reasonable adjustments—whether sensory accommodations, flexible schedules, or tailored communication methods—disables. This experience reinforced the value of understanding my rights and confidently requesting accommodations, even in spaces that resist. I escalated the reasonable adjustment request to the Head of Health and Safety and HR and completed an Adjustment Passport. 03 Neuronormative communication culture feeds misunderstanding In a workplace where neuronormative communication styles dominate, there is an implicit expectation to “read between the lines”. The absence of directness can lead to frustration, misinterpretation, and burnout. Unfortunately, there was little I could do about this working within a large organisation, so I learned to rely on clarifying questions and written follow-ups, even if they weren’t the norm, to ensure alignment and understanding. 04 Meetings without agendas foster chaos A meeting without an agenda is like embarking on a journey without directions or a destination. Vague discussions and the absence of structure left me feeling unanchored and unsure of my role in the conversation. I instigated agendas in the meetings I was leading, beforehand, to create structure and verbally clarified action points in other meetings. 02 Hyperconnectivity disrupts focus Constant interruptions from Teams messages, often accompanied by sound alerts that triggered startle responses, highlighted the toll of an “always-on” communication culture. This experience taught me the importance of silencing notifications, setting boundaries, and advocating for designated focus times. 06 The absence of coregulation and emotional safety Without coregulation—empathetic interaction that soothes, supports, and creates emotional and psychological safety—it is easy to feel isolated, ungrounded and anxious. A workplace where everyone is in survival mode leads to a perpetually dysregulated nervous system. I leaned into the power of my well-being and self-regulation practices and nervous system strategies, to maintain my equilibrium. However, due to the need to heavily mask and be constantly ‘on’ during the working day, I did experience two evening ‘meltdowns’, as the survival fight/flight energies that escalated and were held in my nervous system during office hours couldn’t discharge until then. There was no decompression time or coregulation during the day. 07 Depth in conversations and processes matters Shallow conversations and vague instructions prevent meaningful collaboration. The lack of explicit processes or opportunities to explore the “why” and purpose behind tasks left me feeling detached and unsure how my job role contributed to the bigger picture. I began documenting my own processes and seeking out informal mentors to fill these gaps. 08 Creativity flourishes in safe spaces Creativity cannot thrive in an environment devoid of psychological safety. I realised how much the suppression of questions, exploration, and innovation stifles not just individual potential and well-being but also the whole team’s as well. This reaffirmed my desire to seek out or build spaces that celebrate diverse thinking and contributions and is one of the reasons I am delighted to be working at Neurodiverse Connection! 09 Ignoring sensory needs creates burnout Unacknowledged sensory needs—whether it’s harsh lighting, lack of movement breaks, or constant sound notifications—quickly lead to overstimulation and exhaustion. I do have my sensory toolkit: noise-cancelling headphones, fidget tools, and timers for movement breaks but as I saw no one else with these within the organisation (and I interacted with hundreds of people) I found it hard to visibly ‘out’ my Neurodivergence. I realised I had more work to do around internalised ableism, unshaming my Neurodivergence and the ongoing value and need of advocating for systemic change.ndconnection.co.uk/resources/employment Final thoughts Surviving in a non-neurodiversity-affirming environment requires constant self-advocacy and adaptation. However, these lessons from my recent experience reinforced the importance of seeking or supporting the creation of workplaces that embrace Neurodivergent differences and strengths. Every person deserves an environment where their unique needs and strengths are accommodated, recognised, and celebrated. This experience was a poignant reminder of why neurodiversity-affirming cultures are essential and that although change is happening, we still have a long way to go. Find our more about NdC training here and resources here This month, at Neurodiverse Connection we’ve been thinking about jobs (we're also recruiting so check out our website here)
We know that when it comes to employment, the Neurodivergent experience can be far from straight-forward and as NdC Development Lead, I've shared 9 lessons learned from working in a non-Neurodivergent-affirming environment Over the next 9 days I'll be sharing more about each lesson individually but if you don't want to wait you can read the full blog now here If you’ve ever felt misunderstood in the workplace, we hope this article brings you some validation and reassurance. #educateevolveembody #inandthrough #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation #fleshyknowing #neurodiverseconnection #recruitment #workplace #equality #diversity #inclusion #belonging #employeesuccess #employmentsuccess #neurodivergent #neurodiversityaffirming Back for 2025 👍
Neurodiverse Connection Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach (NDWA) Training has three cohorts running this spring/summer. Cohort A INDIVIDUALS 8 x 90-minute evening sessions Tuesdays, 6pm 18th March—13th May Cohort B PROFESSIONALS 4 x half-day sessions Tuesdays, 9.30am—1pm 13th May—10th June Cohort C PROFESSIONALS 4 x half-day sessions Thursdays, 12.30pm—4pm 12th June—10th July Interested in learning more? Click here #educateevolveembody #inandthrough #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation #fleshyknowing #neurodiverseconnection #neurodivergentwellbeingapproach #neurodivergent #wellbeing I've just completed the first month in my new FT job : Development Lead at Neurodiverse Connection
Who is Neurodiverse Connection? ✅ We are a neurodivergent-led Community Interest Company (CIC) created to improve support and outcomes for neurodivergent people. Find out more here : https://ndconnection.co.uk/ And what do I do as a Development Lead? ✅ focus on designing and delivering projects, training and resources that benefit the Neurodivergent community ✅ support organisations in creating Neurodivergent-affirming changes ✅ represent Neurodiverse Connection on multiple levels ✅ collaborate with staff and associates to ensure high-quality outcomes ✅ build and maintain connections across various sectors working to secure revenue for Neurodiverse Connection and and look for other opportunities for funding ✅ deliver on commissioned work to achieve change and growth with those we work with Let's go 2025 and beyond ... #educateevolveembody #neurodivergent #autism #adhd #audhd #communityinterestcompany #ndconnection #neurodiverseconnection February Newsletter: COLLABORATION & COMMUNITY INTEREST is out now!
Link in bio & comments to join the mailing list & receive the newsletter. Excerpt below ... Creativity flourishes in safe spaces Creativity cannot thrive in an environment devoid of psychological safety. I realised how much the suppression of questions, exploration, and innovation stifles not just individual potential and well-being but also the whole team’s as well. This reaffirmed my desire to seek out or build spaces that celebrate diverse thinking and contributions and is one of the reasons I am delighted to be working at Neurodiverse Connection! #educatevolveembody #embodiededucation #embodimentspirituality #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #beyondmind #creativity #communityinterest #collaboration #neurodiversity January Newsletter
The first weekend of January 2025 ~ to use a friend’s words : The Tree of Life put on a white cloak NAKED SIMPLICITY Happy New Year - 2025! Don’t worry if a ‘new start’ doesn’t feel aligned for you in January - we have plenty of other options throughout the year to ‘begin again’. Perhaps the growing season New Year which doesn’t really start until Ostara - Spring Equinox, in March feels better for you or perhaps the learning season New Year feels correlated to the start of the new academic year in September, is your time for new beginnings. Or perhaps intuitively your body, your nervous system, YOUR FLESHY KNOWING prefers another time of year. Beyond mind this knowing is rooted in your embodiment spirituality. And this is the main message and theme I’ll be working with this year - OUR FLESHY KNOWING : BEYOND MIND The Divine Nervous System My latest Aberdeen University Practical Theology Hub blog - The Divine Nervous System - published on January set the scene and theme for 2025 perfectly. Categorised as body theology & feminism you can read two extracts below blog in full by clicking here Making Love with the Divine There is a whole chapter on ‘The Divine Nervous System’ in my book Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic and Erotic Experiences’ - which was considered so taboo when published but Girl God Books in Feb 2023! No its not a sex manual! I am hopeful that 2 years later we’re ready for it! More about the book : Making Love with the Divine The body – particularly the body of woman – remains firmly in the grip of the Patriarchy. Controlled, blamed, and ensnared in the narrative of The Fall, the fleshy encounter is deemed unholy and entirely separate from divinity. Making Love with the Divine starts the process of unravelling and undoing this insidious and false programming, showcasing and story-telling the sacred, erotic, and ecstatic experiences of today’s ‘ordinary’ women, narrating and reflecting upon their accounts of day-to-day communion and union with the Divine. Inspired by their sharing, practises are offered in each section of the book for the reader to begin to forge their own unique and direct pathway of lovemaking with the Divine. This book sanctifies the human mammal – our animal journey of ‘in and through’ and is an antidote to the poisonous lie that the Divine is ‘out and up’ and accessible only through religious or spiritual instruction. Making Love with the Divine bridges the schism of sacred and mundane and reinstates the extra-ordinary nature of everyday living and existence. "Making Love with the Divine invites us to explore our experiences of the erotic current that animates our bodies and our lives. A current whose natural flow and vitality is often stifled, distorted and shamed within patriarchal culture. This book seeks to open up the conversation by asking us how we experience our own sexuality and eroticism, and how this flow of aliveness can be a portal to feeling the divinity inside of us, and beyond us. Based on her research and clear devotion to this path, Kay Louise Aldred has created a supportive year-long workbook that provides a practical framework for anyone who feels a call towards liberating their body and deepening relationship with their sacred erotic aliveness." -Carly Mountain, Sex and Relationship Therapist and author of Descent & Rising. Making love with the Divine and The Divine Nervous system, evidence EMBODIMENT SPIRITUALITY is part of BEING HUMAN THIS IS OUR FLESHY KNOWING : BEYOND MIND And to link it to my work last year, our education system needs to teach us about this and how to access these parts of of ourselves. EMBODIED EDUCATION, the paradigm I advocate for, blends metacognition, intuition and intuition, to support this. More about the book : Embodied Education This year I intend to start to sew together all the above ideas and creations & weave them into all of my future work, training and interactions in whatever sphere or forum: OUR FLESHY KNOWING : BEYOND MIND EMBODIED EDUCATION & EMBODIMENT SPIRITUALITY Happy New Year 🎊
Here are extracts from my latest @uniofaberdeen Practical Theology Hub blog - The Divine Nervous System - published today & setting the scene for 2025 perfectly. Categorised as body theology & feminism 👌 Full blog https://practicaltheologyhub.com/?p=1576 - please share. #educateevolveembody #embodiededucation #embodimentspirituality #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #divinenervoussystem #spiritualneedsarehumanneeds Words of wisdom from others which my body experienced as truth in 2024 👇
You can’t do what you want till you know what you’re doing ~ Feldenkrais Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom ~ Frankl For the master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change ~ Lorde Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them ~ Shakur #educateevolveembody #embodiededucation #fleshyknowing #inandthrough #embodimentspirituality It was a Tower moment for me personally (if you're not familiar with Tarot check out the meaning of that card). The whole of The Church of England (& I'd argue Theology) currently faces a collective Tower moment - as the institution (& discipline) hits crisis & unravels as it is held accountable & (finally) critically appraised.
Extract from the second of two featured submissions I have in the powerful @girlgodbooks anthology Wounded Feminine : Grieving with Goddess superbly coedited by @cladorartandwords Trista Hendren and Pat Daly Available from @girlgodbooks website or online stores #educateevolveembody #embodimentspirituality #fleshyknowing #inandthrough #tangibledivinity #embodiededucation |
AuthorKay Louise Aldred MA, PGCE Archives
February 2025