Making Love with the Divine
Sacred, Ecstatic, Erotic Experiences
Sacred, Ecstatic, Erotic Experiences
The body - particularly the body of woman - remains firmly in the grip of the Patriarchy. Controlled, blamed, and ensnared in the narrative of The Fall, carnal encounter is deemed unholy and entirely separate from divinity.
Making Love with the Divine starts the process of unravelling and undoing this insidious and false programming. The book showcases and story-tells the sacred, erotic, and ecstatic experiences of today's 'ordinary' women. It narrates and reflects upon their accounts of day-to-day communion and union with the Divine. Inspired by their sharing, practices are offered in each section of the book for the reader to begin to forge their own unique and direct pathway of lovemaking with the Divine.
This book sanctifies the human mammal - our animal journey of instinct and sensation is an antidote to the poisonous lie that the Divine is 'out there' and accessible only through religious or spiritual instruction. Making Love with the Divine bridges the schism of sacred and mundane and reinstates the extra-ordinary nature of everyday living and existence.
"Making Love with the Divine invites us to explore our experiences of the erotic current that animates our bodies and our lives. A current whose natural flow and vitality is often stifled, distorted and shamed within patriarchal culture.
This book seeks to open up the conversation by asking us how we experience our own sexuality and eroticism, and how this flow of aliveness can be a portal to feeling the divinity inside of us, and beyond us.
Based on her research and clear devotion to this path, Kay Louise Aldred has created a supportive year-long workbook that provides a practical framework for anyone who feels a call towards liberating their body and deepening their relationship with their sacred erotic aliveness."
~ Carly Mountain
Sex and Relationship Therapist and author of Descent & Rising
Available now via Girl God Books or online stores.
Purchase by clicking here Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic, Erotic Experiences
Making Love with the Divine starts the process of unravelling and undoing this insidious and false programming. The book showcases and story-tells the sacred, erotic, and ecstatic experiences of today's 'ordinary' women. It narrates and reflects upon their accounts of day-to-day communion and union with the Divine. Inspired by their sharing, practices are offered in each section of the book for the reader to begin to forge their own unique and direct pathway of lovemaking with the Divine.
This book sanctifies the human mammal - our animal journey of instinct and sensation is an antidote to the poisonous lie that the Divine is 'out there' and accessible only through religious or spiritual instruction. Making Love with the Divine bridges the schism of sacred and mundane and reinstates the extra-ordinary nature of everyday living and existence.
"Making Love with the Divine invites us to explore our experiences of the erotic current that animates our bodies and our lives. A current whose natural flow and vitality is often stifled, distorted and shamed within patriarchal culture.
This book seeks to open up the conversation by asking us how we experience our own sexuality and eroticism, and how this flow of aliveness can be a portal to feeling the divinity inside of us, and beyond us.
Based on her research and clear devotion to this path, Kay Louise Aldred has created a supportive year-long workbook that provides a practical framework for anyone who feels a call towards liberating their body and deepening their relationship with their sacred erotic aliveness."
~ Carly Mountain
Sex and Relationship Therapist and author of Descent & Rising
Available now via Girl God Books or online stores.
Purchase by clicking here Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic, Erotic Experiences