Lammas 🌾 the first harvest 🌾 Blazing sun in my back garden today as I gathered with friends again, in common humanity, on the grass.
We freely offered our contributions to the space. I made cacao, created a simple ritual & altar on the earth & offered a grounding meditation, another brought tartlets, oracle cards, & an offering of cornflowers for the land, another brought a tub of raspberries & blueberries, posies of wildflowers & a reading. And we talked & we listened & we were heard. Truly, open heartedly, heard. With reciprocity, in relation. This is what we are meant to do in communities. In our families, organisations, schools, workplaces, services - as part of our mundane routine - meet our very human spiritual needs together, free of charge, regularly. Without pomp, performance or elaborate ceremony. Without transaction (not buying, not selling, not extracting, not owing - just SHARING) We have forgotten how to be human, humane & humanitarian. We have forgotten our interconnectedness & interdependence on each other & the earth. We have forgotten the WEALTH & HEALING & POWER of that. AND, we are one step away of RE-MEMBERING it and, when we do everything will change!
AuthorKay Louise Aldred MA, PGCE Archives
February 2025