Simultaneously terrified & excited to be presenting a short paper about my second book @girlgodbooks Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic & Erotic Experiences at the Society for the Study of Theology Conference. May women's lived experience of Divinity be truly heard & lead the way in making theology relevant. More info #SST24 @sst_theology The Future = #embodimentspirituality #embodimenttheology #educateevolveembody #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #tangibledivinty #spirituality #makinglovewiththedivine #livedexperience #livedexperiencetheology #nowordstheology #prayer Big thanks to all who contributed to the research, art & offered anonymous lived experience shares. When enough of us: A) recognise the abusive & oppressive overarching culture & structure we live in and B) work on our nervous system regulation - moving out of functional freeze & dissociation, collapse & fawning - digesting sympathy energies of flight & fight which result from the thawing The solidarity, belonging & safety between us will result in a humane, humanitarian, humanity - in which such revolutionaries are the leaders, pioneers & visionaries of new society structures & global order. #goodfriday #crucifixion #trauma #nervoussystemhealth #humanitarian #humane #human #humanity #educateevolveembody #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #tangibledivinty #spirituality Future = #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation Despair is a normal response to loss. Why have you forsaken me? Is a healthy expression when we have been subjected to abuse. Flee & overwhelm are normal nervous system responses to threat. A community who sees any member, but especially it's teacher, be subjected to torture & horror, would experience terror, freeze & survivor's guilt. On Holy Saturday we have the opportunity to pause, refocus & zoom out - looking at the bigger picture. And in doing so we PIVOT TO THE PERPETRATOR. Victim blaming & pathologisation of trauma responses divert attention away from the perpetrator & the choice they made to harm. The empire, its systems & institutions, was (& still is) the predator & abuser - actively hunting & killing the most humane, humanitarian, humans - peacemakers, status quo challengers, divergent free-thinkers, creatives. Holy Saturday is our shocking wake up call to our overarching cultural norms. We lay collapsed in the dark cave - the tomb/womb - of that realisation. #holysaturday #pivottotheperpetrator #depathologise #trauma #nervoussystemhealth #humanitarian #humane #human #humanity #educateevolveembody #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #tangibledivinty #spirituality Resurrection = humanity's embodiment post trauma. Mind & body come out of 'freeze'; dissociation, numbness & collapse, survival responses complete & there is restoration of the (co-)regulation; compassionate goodness, flow, human spirit - despite (& in spite) of the scars - individually & collectively. A humane & humanitarian humanity, living as & from the parasympathetic ventral vagal nervous system, simultaneously rises & descends #inandthrough healthy embodiment - as a #tangibledivinty - governed by #fleshyknowing, collectively liberated from the hell of abusive & oppressive overarching culture of empire, systems, institutions, governance & dogma. The start & end point is the body. Future = #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation #educateevolveembody #trauma #nervoussystemhealth #humanitarian #humane #human #humanity #resurrection #eastersunday #newlife #risefromthedead #embodimenttheology #theology Doubting Thomas placing his hands on the scars, & Jesus, the trauma survivor turned thriver activist, saying yes to the request, offering co-regulation, role modelling & mentorship in trusting our own #feltsense discernment - aka #fleshyknowing - going #inandthrough embodiment - above all else.
* Interaction with scarred bodies & nervous system health will be the spiritual practice. 'Feed my lambs' & a community focus : a #tangibledivinty * Post resurrection, the 'risen' humane & humanitarian humanity will acknowledge that there is no separation between spiritual & human needs. * Ensuring that everyone has access to good food, clean water, warmth, shelter, movement, sanitation will be the devotional act. The start & end point is the body. Future = #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation #educateevolveembody #trauma #nervoussystemhealth #humanitarian #humane #human #humanity #resurrection #embodimenttheology #theology #socialjustice
Classrooms & community spaces where people go for emotional, psychological, social or spiritual support need to embed the two key concepts & modalities I teach: #embodimentspirituality & #embodiededucation
This is a photo from the weekend where I was facilitating the skills practice weekends for this year's Somatic Shamanism Energy Medicine Practitioner Cohort @acornretreat The training & education NORMALISES spiritual needs as basic human needs - the needs for connection, belonging, meaning & purpose. Rooted in #embodimentspirituality & #embodiededucation it is non doctrinal, non body bypassing, neurodivergent affirming, & crucially nervous system & trauma informed. Read more in my @girlgodbooks The pathway for learning, connection & meeting needs is #inandthrough the body. It depathologises emotions & sensation, holding the intention that wisdom is found in our body - our #fleshyknowing - & that #metcognition - thinking about thinking - can help us make sense of the body's #feltsense messages. The practitioner is the guide who offers coregulation - grounding & safety - creatively & neuroinclusively, flexibly supporting those they work with to connect to their #fleshyknowing - their #intuition & #instinct. I believe wholeheartedly that #embodiededucation & #embodimentspirituality are essential for a hopeful future & the resurrection of a humane & humanitarian humanity And so need to be FREE, accessible & embedded into society structures, institutions & statutory provision. I'm therefore advocating for #embodiededucation & #embodimentspiritualiy to: * be part of core statutory educational curriculum provision & services * be part of mental & physical health NHS intervention AND * form an alternative state funded spiritual community care based on our common #tangibledivinty that everyone can access as an alternative to dogmatic religion & the capitalist spiritual & wellbeing industry To do this I realise I need to rename the modalities - especially #somaticshamanism & #energymedicine - to bridge the worlds - I'm working on that! Thank you to @sls_daretodance & @kerry_walton222 for giving me the permission to post this beautiful photo. |
AuthorKay Louise Aldred MA, PGCE Archives
February 2025