Connecting back to Nature and Cyclical LivingIn this three-part series of blogs, as Neurodiverse Connection Development Lead I examine the complex entanglement of Neurodivergence and trauma, and the implications this has for the concept of “recovery”. In this first part, I explore how natural rhythms, such as the seasons, can illuminate an understanding of trauma and recovery. "Whatever our rhythms, connecting to nature shows us that just as the seasons turn and the trees bud, bloom, shed and rest, and the sun rises, shines, sets and disappears, and the moon waxes to fullness, and wanes to darkness, so do we need to find our unique rhythm, which is our best season and do our utmost to find out which environments echo that to support us be most regulated." Full blog here Connecting Back to EmbodimentIn this second part, I explore how connecting to the body can illuminate an understanding of trauma and recovery. "It is vital for recovery that all individuals reconnect with embodiment to make sense and find meaning and belonging in being alive in the body they have. This is especially important for Neurodivergent individuals and their regulation, who have unique and often amplified sensory and emotional processing differences. It is important to remind ourselves here that, as Nick Walker writes, the ‘mind is an embodied phenomenon’ and that Neurodivergence is a difference in embodiment. So, when I say that neurodiversity is the diversity among minds, I’m really saying that it’s the diversity among bodyminds’." Full blog Connecting back to CommunityIn this third and final part, I explore how connecting to community can play a part in recovery from trauma. "And here is the double (or triple) bind, in which we can find ourselves as Neurodivergent people. Within interpersonal relationships and community, we can experience a lack of connection and harm is a frequent occurrence for Neurodivergent individuals. This leads to trauma. Trauma leads to not feeling safe and difficulty trusting people, leading to a lack of connection. We need co-regulation and connection with others to heal from trauma, so we seek connection and community, but in doing some previous trauma is triggered or more trauma ensues and we are re-traumatised. Recovery is impeded. So, what can we do?" Full blog here where I discuss what we can do & the importance of connecting to communities which are: * #Nervoussystem and #traumainformed * Focused on #culturalchange * Understand #intersectionality & are #antiracist Free webinar for all EducatorsWe would like to invite Headteachers, Deputy Head Teachers and Safeguarding Leads to a free online workshop:
Supporting Children and Young People Impacted by Trauma (from Domestic Abuse) hosted by Dr Ruth Smith, High Sheriff of North Yorkshire on Tuesday 5th November 10am – 3pm The aim of the session is to:
We will be joined by various speakers from a number of different organisations throughout the day. You will have the opportunity to hear from a wide range of speakers and there will be chance to ask questions. Speakers include:
Places are limited so please confirm your place as soon as possible: To reserve your place, please contact [email protected]
Feeling the edges of my capacity this evening after facilitating this NdC training twice in one day (& dealing with a few curve balls)
It's been a while since I've felt this level of stretch in my nervous system & over extension of my window of tolerance. Grateful to have the nervous system education & felt sense embodied connection to recognise the amber light. We need to normalise & prioritise talking about bodies & embed the language of the nervous system into education, health services & businesses (everywhere actually) to safeguard against burnout but crucially to cultivate a hospitable & sustainable world for humanity. Body first. Bottom up. #educateevolveembody #embodiededucation #embodimentspirituality #inandthrough #fleshyknowing Third in the series : Neurodivergence, Trauma and Recovery (Part 3/3) - Connecting Back to Community
"And here is the double (or triple) bind, in which we can find ourselves as Neurodivergent people. Within interpersonal relationships and community, we can experience a lack of connection and harm is a frequent occurrence for Neurodivergent individuals. This leads to trauma. Trauma leads to not feeling safe and difficulty trusting people, leading to a lack of connection. We need co-regulation and connection with others to heal from trauma, so we seek connection and community, but in doing some previous trauma is triggered or more trauma ensues and we are re-traumatised. Recovery is impeded. So, what can we do?" Full blog below, where I discuss what we can do & the importance of connecting to communities which are: * #Nervoussystem and #traumainformed * Focused on #culturalchange * Understand #intersectionality & are #antiracist #educateevolveembody #embodiededucation #embodimentspirituality #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #trauma #neurodivergence #recovery #connection #community Second in a series : Neurodivergence, Trauma & Recovery (Part 2/3) - Connecting back to Embodiment
"It is vital for recovery that all individuals reconnect with embodiment to make sense and find meaning and belonging in being alive in the body they have. This is especially important for Neurodivergent individuals and their regulation, who have unique and often amplified sensory and emotional processing differences. It is important to remind ourselves here that, as Nick Walker writes, the ‘mind is an embodied phenomenon’ and that Neurodivergence is a difference in embodiment. So, when I say that neurodiversity is the diversity among minds, I’m really saying that it’s the diversity among bodyminds’." #educateevolveembody #embodiededucation #embodimentspirituality #inandthrough #fleshyknowing #trauma #neurodivergence #recovery #connection #embodiment #bodymind In case you missed this last week : Neurodivergent, Trauma & Recovery (Part 1/3) Connecting Back to Nature & Cyclical Living
"Whatever our rhythms, connecting to nature shows us that just as the seasons turn and the trees bud, bloom, shed and rest, and the sun rises, shines, sets and disappears, and the moon waxes to fullness, and wanes to darkness, so do we need to find our unique rhythm, which is our best season and do our utmost to find out which environments echo that to support us be most regulated." Updates from Oxford ConferenceHere are Dan and I travelling home exhausted in Kings Cross station, after an intense but culturally, academically & spiritually rich five days in Oxford earlier this month. Creative Bridges 2024 : Embodied Consciousness, Psyche & Soul in Research & Practice was a fantastic conference! It was an absolute honour to present about our book, Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing, which my husband Dan and I coauthored, & which was published by @girlgodbooks as part of the Transformative Education Track & Embodiment & Transpersonal in Education session of the Creative Bridges 2024 : Embodied Consciousness, Psyche & Soul in Research & Practice Conference on Thursday last week in the truly magnificent Examination School of Oxford University @oxford_uni To be part of this fantastic event, in the magical city of Oxford, within Oxford University, centre of pioneering ideas, as part of a line-up of speakers, thinkers & practitioners leading & bridging the energy of exploration & spiritual renewal of our times & for the good of future generations was humbling & inspiring. I learned so much. It's going to take a while to integrate but I'll share as I do. Thank you : for the opportunity & the whole event @aleftrust #aleftrust #eurotas @britishpsychologicalsociety “Creative bridges” are spaces where we transcend the restrictive and regressive forces that confront us in what is clearly a transitional age. By forging new connections, we create paths that may lead us wisely into the next phase of cultural and spiritual evolution. Bridges lie at the core of our work as practitioners, researchers, and scholars. Embodied Education #embodiededucation which I presented at this conference in Oxford last week is the creative bridge of mind & body reconnection & the rehumanising act of making educational, sharing & learning spaces hospitable & safe for all bodies & neurotypes. We did it! We made it into the EUROTAS 2024 Online Blackwell's Bookshop AND in-store in the Oxford @blackwelloxford Bookshop Delighted! Check out the Creative Bridges @aleftrust online book list here Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing coauthored by @kaylouisealdred & Dan Aldred was published in May 2023 by @girlgodbooks Environments and Cultures either Enable or DisableBeing #Autistic-#ADHD in a body-mind of hypersensitivity & hyper empathy means my differences are foremost an embodied experience. Basically, my body has no mute button with regards to #interoceptive awareness & processing sensory environments. There is no pathology in this and nothing to ‘cure’ – it’s just how some body-minds are formed. A long train journey via two London train stations to Oxford & then an intensive five day long residential conference environment with challenging acoustics, hundreds of delegates to interact with, bright lights & lots of new knowledge to process, alongside city living, was challenging, but manageable, with the companionship of my husband, pacing, aids & reasonable environmental adjustments. I've been reflecting on the hidden, invisible & additional processing burdens & additional self-management neurodivergent individuals (of all profiles) have to undertake to access educational spaces, employment opportunities & travel. Environments & cultures either enable or disable. Part of the solution is #embodiededucation which I presented at the Creative Bridges conference last week. Truly understanding the human mammalian body & workings of its #nervoussystem is foundational to #rehumanising & creating hospitable environments for all bodies & neurotypes. It's a bottom-up, body-mind endeavour. Updates from NdCReturned from the Oxford conference to a very busy working week which started on Monday presenting online, on behalf of Neurodiverse Connection, to a #multidisciplinary #care team in London, about #regulation & #dysregulation, during which I emphasised the importance of practitioners & care providers understanding & taking responsibility for their own #windowoftolerance, because of the direct correlation of practitioner self-awareness, nervous system regulation & the quality of care provided. In this three-part series of blogs, as NdC Development Lead I examine the complex entanglement of #Neurodivergence and #trauma, and the implications this has for the concept of “#recovery”. In this first part, I explore how natural rhythms, such as the seasons, can illuminate an understanding of trauma and recovery. Extracts below. Link to read the whole blog & to the Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach Training in comments: "In the Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach course, I talk about the importance of connecting to and eventually honouring and structuring our life around our unique energy rhythms, through observing, being mentored by, and communing with nature’s rhythms. These #cyclical rhythms include the #seasons and the #lunarcycles. Living coordinated with our inner seasons leads to better nervous system regulation and more sustainable living habits. This is especially important for Neurodivergent individuals who may ‘buck the trend’ (as I do) of being most energised and uplifted in summer. Whatever our rhythms, connecting to nature shows us that just as the seasons turn and the trees bud, bloom, shed and rest, and the sun rises, shines, sets and disappears, and the moon waxes to fullness, and wanes to darkness, so do we need to find our unique rhythm, which is our best season and do our utmost to find out which environments echo that to support us be most regulated. Trauma is healed through connection and nature offers us connection in a gentle and comforting way. It reassures us that we can be a wild, non-conformist, fast-growing climber (think some types of clematis) which can’t/won’t be tamed and flourishes in peak heat or a sturdy, reliable, prickly holly bush which dependably produces red berries, nourishing the birds in the hardest, coldest winter. Everything is welcome; there's space for all ways of being a plant, tree, or flower. Seasons remind us that we, as living beings, need to figure out how long it takes and what we need to bud, bloom, harvest, and rest. That is why I advocate for cyclical living education in schools, mental health care, and therapeutic intervention within the Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach training." Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach Training starts Oct 1st. More info here: Read the full blog Last Tuesday I started facilitation of the latest round of the #Neurodivergent #Wellbeing Approach #Training for Neurodiverse Connection. The Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach is a holistic, Neurodivergent-friendly well-being curriculum that offers education and practical strategies for the #mind, #body & #spirit of Neurodivergent individuals, their family members, friends, caregivers, and professionals who support them. This #nervoussystemfriendly system & #traumainformed programme is based on the concept of ‘experience to share’ and is designed to promote the wellbeing of participants, which they can then share with those they care for and support. The next round of early evening training starts on Oct 1st & there are only a few places remaining. Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach Training starts Oct 1st. More info here In addition fellow Neurodiverse Connection Development Lead Grace Lee @somegalart examined in another blog how Neurodivergent minds can be vulnerable to #exploitation and #radicalisation by by far-right narratives and deliberate #misinformation. As an appendix (below) I considered what can be done to find a way forward: "#Safeguarding #neurodivergent communities against racism and radicalisation involves creating supportive environments that are growth-orientated; aware and reflective, equity-focused, and inclusive, proactively educational, and responsive. Supportive, safe, and regulated environments mean there is a willingness within the community or organisation to engage with and sit with ‘taboo,’ triggering and uncomfortable questions, and topics, be messy and make mistakes in discussions, and individually and collectively assess bias, privilege, power, as well as acknowledge and bridge knowledge deficits. As a learning organisation, at Neurodiverse Connection, we are committed to becoming anti-racist and are making space to explore how we can safeguard our organisation and community against racism and radicalisation. Last year, as part of our #Grooming and #CoerciveControl Summit, the red and green flags around communities and groups in our NdC curated resource Safeguarding Neurodivergent Individuals from Spiritual Abuse and considered the applications of it to online hate speech promoters and influencers, such as Andrew Tate. The points made in this resource around why neurodivergent individuals might be more at risk of spiritual abuse – social exclusion, challenges in discernment, a desire for belonging, reliance on authority figures, difficulty in self-advocacy and isolation - might equally apply to specific vulnerabilities of risk of radicalisation. We recognise the importance of understanding diverse cultural backgrounds within the Neurodivergent communities to address internalised and structural racism by seeking representation, voices, and perspectives. Our focus on service and community accountability, some of the green flags listed in the resource means that we look to create safe space, peer support, allyship and collaboration opportunities." Full blog here Updates from York Conferenceuper excited to be at York St John University @yorkstjohn last week at the #Neurodiversity in #HigherEducation 2 #Conference #NDinHE2 representing Neurodiverse Connection & the #Neurodivergent #Wellbeing Approach #Training we offer. Great to have a poster as part of the display about this training. Friday @yorkstjohn #Neurodiversity in #HigherEducation 2 Conference #NDinHE2 Prof Lorna Hamilton & Jamie Williams spoke about the #Inclusive #Neurodiverse #Campuses Project which I had the pleasure of being involved with as co-production group member & briefly as Research Associate during the last academic year. The findings centre the importance of #collaborative & active practices of inclusive #BELONGING. Has been an honour to be a small part of this. This was without doubt the most pleasant and sensory friendly environment I have ever facilitated or taught in! In the above photo I’m in the gorgeous Creative Centre of @yorkstjohn University delivering a creative workshop on Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing to a multidisciplinary audience of academics & practitioners as part of the Neurodiversity in Higher Education 2 #NDinHE2 Conference. Happy & breathing - staying regulated & present Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing coauthored by @kaylouisealdred & Dan Aldred was published in May 2023 by @girlgodbooks Still processing this affirming & pioneering #NDinHE2 @yorkstjohn Spectrum First conference which I facilitated a creative workshop on Embodied Education at yesterday. An exemplary model of #neuroinclusive #conference design, participation, #coproduction & #collaboration Thank you everyone again. It's been a transformative first half of September, presenting on Embodied Education at two major conferences, one at Oxford University @oxford_uni (@aleftrust & Creative Bridges 2024 see previous posts) & then yesterday at York St John University @yorkstjohn (at #NDinHE2) My message : we are bodyminds & therefore need to create hospitable environments for all bodies, all sensory profiles & nervous systems, in educational, learning & sharing spaces, to improve accessibility, service provision (the quality & outcomes of teaching & learning), student & staff engagement, health & wellbeing. And this requires a paradigm shift from top down - mind dominant to bottom up - body first design, & relational approaches, which centre self, co- & collective regulation. Happy Full Moon and Equinox and I’ll write again in October.
Best wishes, Kay So that was Tuesday. I started facilitation of the latest round of the #Neurodivergent #Wellbeing Approach #Training for Neurodiverse Connection.
The Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach is a holistic, Neurodivergent-friendly well-being curriculum that offers education and practical strategies for the #mind, #body & #spirit of Neurodivergent individuals, their family members, friends, caregivers, and professionals who support them. This #nervoussystemfriendly system & #traumainformed programme is based on the concept of ‘experience to share’ and is designed to promote the wellbeing of participants, which they can then share with those they care for and support. The next round of early evening training starts on Oct 1st & there are only a few places remaining. TRANSITION : the process (time period) of shifting (changing & transforming) from one state (place, belief system, way of being & doing) to another. September is always the beginning of transition - our yearly opportunity to shed old skins & leaves And prune our branches (for those is us in the northern hemisphere that is) ready for new growth. The month starts with receiving more insights & awareness & we have the impulse to create new daily & weekly routines alongside a strong physical foundation, to support our nervous system regulation. Then we reach the transition (& decision) point Autumn Equinox (Mabon) & the shedding begins We need to NORMALISE living REFLECTIVELY, CYCLICALLY & SEASONALLY - sync with the earth. And embed this #embodiededucation & these rhythmic reflective practises into institutions & workplaces in society - especially education & healthcare. AND make it policy & procedure - make it how societal institutions run. Make it systemic. These are some of the first steps towards EVERYONE having access to wellbeing, nervous system health & being respectful of the earth. We need SYSTEMIC wellbeing, regulation & respect. And then we might have a chance of reinstating a #humane #humanitarian #humanity. A human collective which is less in hyper-individualism & survival & more in interdependence & connectedness. The August bank holiday signals for me the start of the transition into autumn. For the past few years I’ve spent that bank holiday weekend facilitating the final Somatic Shamanism and Energy Medicine skills practise weekend at the Acorn. This photo was taken this year’s final training day and is a celebration of a stellar group the 2024 Somatic Shamanism Energy Medicine Deeper Immersion & Practitioner Skills Training Cohort who were an absolute pleasure to teach & hold space for. I'm so grateful Thank you @sls_daretodance for superbly assisting with this training Thank you @acornretreat for the stunning land & space to facilitate on & in Thank you @acorn_sarah @thisliberatinglife @rebecca_brereton_art_therapist @the_mindfulfox for creating such a beautiful constellation This training will not be running this academic year - after facilitating for seven years straight it's time for me to pause, reflect, regroup & replenish. If you'd like to join the waiting list for a Sept 2025 start you can do so by emailing me. More about those final training days … There's no learning without the body. Every year I say this. And that all educational spaces need to incorporate experiential methods & outdoor learning opportunities. One of my favourite moments of the facilitation of this year training is teaching students to do this complex practice: the rebirth rite. As a teacher by profession & qualification I know through my own academic study & lived classroom experience (as well as intuitively) how humans learn best. Whether teaching GCSE English, A-Level Psychology, coaching skills or shamanic practises (all of which, & much more, I've taught for real) good teaching & learning happens in the same way. There's preparation, exploration, reading & study to do in advance. Learning builds on what goes before - it's titrated & cumulative. There are boundaries & freedom (yes, this is possible!) & the teacher leads by example. I demonstrate the rite & we discuss it; the real life application of the process, when & when not to do it & crucially how to facilitate in a trauma informed & nervous system friendly safe way. I provide a written template & diagram of the sequence & I model it again. Students can ask questions at any point. Together we individually lay out stones on the earth creating the energy structure of a body & we repeat the sequence, several times (remembering our left & right, anticlockwise & clockwise rotations, & the movements around the body) until it becomes a muscle memory. I give my students space to process, allowing their bodies to integrate the learning overnight & then the next day there's opportunity for clarification & questions before they do it for real, practising on each other. This is #embodiededucation & #embodimentspirituality Normalising & anchoring spiritual & holistic healing modalities into the mundane and also ensuring training is accessible, thorough & safe & that practitioners are safe, accountable & professional. The training container I craft aligns with the recent excellent work of Stimpunks and Autistic Realms. I facilitate what they call Cavendish Learning Spaces. Cavendish Learning Spaces - places to nourish #bodymind - we need them in schools, in universities, in mental health settings, in religious & 'spiritual', retreat & wellbeing & all other community settings .. Campfires: Spaces for learning with a storyteller — teacher, mentor, elder or carer. Education facilitators need to subvert neuronormativity actively. They need to embark on their transformative neuroqueer journey so their re-storying can inspire neuro-cosmopolitanism. Caves: Spaces for quiet reflection and self-directed or inter-dependent exploration, recovery and rest. Introspection and self-directed learning. A private space to transform learning from external knowledge to internal belief. Home of reflective construction. Watering Holes: Spaces for social learning with or alongside peers and carers in validating neurodivergent ways by embracing parallel play and body doubling experiences. More fantastic work by @autisticrealms & @stimpunks - check them out! "Helen Edgar (Autistic Realms) and Ryan Boren (Stimpunks) have been exploring radically inclusive learning environments. Cavendish learning spaces are based on flexibility, interaction, movement and the role of embodied responsive experiences. We reject the boundaries of traditional classroom settings and look at how they not only restrict embodied experiences but lead to disembodied experiences and can cause harm." Contents from two articles Spaces For Multi-Sensory Learners and those with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities & Neurodivergent Base Camp Honoured that the book Embodied Education, which Dan & I co-authored, is referenced Whilst on the training we learn somatic shamanic practices and get to know our shamanic self, we do not (I do not) call ourselves Shamans. Those who truly follow the shamanic path are rare. Ancient indigenous Shamans were rare. Modern neo-shamans are rare. Why? Because the shamanic process of 'hollowing out' - becoming a 'hollow bone' - tends to happen through a series of painful human life experiences. Chronic illness, traumatic events, abuse, bereavement. It's not about the 'I' - the 'me' or 'my'. There is no bypassing. To 'hollow out' we must face, address, process & resolve our human trauma, difficulties & challenges. Continually. The shamanic path is the most HUMAN & INTERDEPENDENT spiritual path there is because the focus is on SERVICE & the post traumatic recovery of the collective. As a 'hollow bone' those who have 'hollowed out' open up their mind & body to allow power & 'spirit' (life force) to flow in & through & OUT of them with the intention of supporting others & earth. The purpose of the shamanic (& I would argue any spiritual/healing) path is to REHUMANISE: * to ENGAGE with poverty, inequity & all other social justice issues * to establish a hospitable world - PRACTICALLY - the systems & infrastructure * to support the RESOLUTION OF TRAUMA & re establishment of a humane, humanitarian, humanity #educatevolveembody #rehumanise #inandthrough #embodimentspirituality #embodiededucation #fleshyknowing #humane #humanitarian #humanity The end of August & beginning of September are always a time of transition. The new term looms, there are lots of emotions & this can take its toll on families. Check out this great FREE ebook resource. #Embodiment: Supporting #family #wellbeing during #transitions FREE #Neurodivergent #community EBOOK inspired by the webinar I delivered in June for @the_pdaspace Brilliantly designed & curated by Helen @autisticrealms Get your free ebook - link in bio - and share widely Access the book click here Looking ahead to November … Supporting Children and Young People Impacted by Trauma (from Domestic Abuse)
Nov 5th 2024 10am - 3 pm * FREE DAY ONLINE WEBINAR * Hosted by Dr Ruth Smith, High Sheriff of North Yorkshire. Invites are being sent to North Yorkshire schools. I'm really looking forward to supporting this event. As the second speaker, I'll be presenting at 11am on Embodied Education. This will be a short talk on why it is important to radically rethink how we educate and why embodied education - as a model which centres body-first and bottom-up perspectives - alongside nervous system education and co-regulation - is vital for classrooms and schools to become trauma-informed. This talk will also share content Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning, Facilitating and Sharing and relational, neuro-inclusive, and creative strategies and approaches for learning environments, as a way of supporting the shaping of non-abusive, positive and trauma-informed school culture, safeguarding student and staff wellbeing and educational outcomes. Equinox signals the peak of the transition is done … Once the Autumn Equinox, Mabon, calendared on Sept 21st/22nd has past the peak of the transition is done. Between now and then I’m presenting at the Oxford and York conferences and will have started the next round of the NdC Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach training, all of which I mentioned in the August email. If you missed this and in interested in any of the above click on the links below to learn more. Creative Bridges, 2024 : Embodied Consciousness, Psyche and Soul in Research & Practice 4-8 Sept in Oxford Fri 13th Sept @yorkstjohn to the Neurodiversity in Higher Education 2 #NDinHE2 NdC Neurodivergent Wellbeing Training course Option 1 : Starting Tuesday 10th September 2024 4 x Half Day Sessions (9.30am-1pm) Option 2: Starting Tuesday 1st October 2024 8 x 1.5 hr Evening Sessions (6-7.30pm) Best wishes and I’ll write again with updates from Oxford and York later this month! Kay Lammas the first harvest Blazing sun in my back garden on Friday as I gathered with friends again, in common humanity, on the grass. We freely offered our contributions to the space. I made cacao, created a simple ritual & altar on the earth & offered a grounding meditation, another brought tartlets, oracle cards, & an offering of cornflowers for the land, another brought a tub of raspberries & blueberries, posies of wildflowers & a reading. And we talked & we listened & we were heard. Truly, open heartedly, heard. With reciprocity, in relation. This is what we are meant to do in communities. In our families, organisations, schools, workplaces, services - as part of our mundane routine - meet our very human spiritual needs together, free of charge, regularly. Without pomp, performance or elaborate ceremony. Without transaction (not buying, not selling, not extracting, not owing - just SHARING) We have forgotten how to be human, humane & humanitarian. We have forgotten our interconnectedness & interdependence on each other & the earth. We have forgotten the WEALTH & HEALING & POWER of that. AND, we are one step away of RE-MEMBERING it and, when we do everything will change! #educateevolveembody #changeiscoming #wisdomablaze #decolonial #embodimentspirituality #naturebased #earthbased #spirituality #embodiededucation #fleshyknowing #community #reclaim #interconnectedness #interdependence #communitycare #humanity #humane #humanitarian #bringandshare #love Highlights of my summer breakOne of the highlights of our recent trip to Northern Ireland : facilitating @the_goat_house_retreat (Insta) inaugural residential test Reflect & Renew Retreat Pictures say it all. Fantastic venue! Owners & hosts Lorna & Heather are just gorgeous & the collection of women who gathered were the bright joyous souls. If they'll have me - I'll be back. The land of Mourne is perfect for #embodiededucation & #embodimentspirituality plus, nature based spirituality is a seamless fit for the area with it's celtic & shamanic origins. Thank you for offering me the opportunity @mourne_yoga @tellyhevbrown And thank you @lightfoot_bangor for food Another highlight of our recent travels to Northern Ireland. Connecting with a fellow nature based spirituality practitioner, Willa, who facilitates over there, drumming & holding a fire ceremony together in an ancient orchard, honouring the land & elements, drinking cacao outside & journeying shamanically. Creating #connection #collaboration #friendship & weaving a #network of #meaning #purpose & #belonging Sharing common #humanity & fulfilling our very human, spiritual, needs. Bridging worldsThis week I returned to work and found myself bridging worlds Presenting an 'EDIB & Me' session on 'Nature-based Spirituality: The Wheel of the Year' at Cambridge University Press & Assessment @cambridgeuniversitypress focusing on the festivals of Beltane, Litha & Lammas. EDIB = #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion #Belonging Education breaks down prejudice. Sharing lived experience creates belonging. 'EBID & Me' : what a fantastic initiative this global organisation offers staff & I'm honoured to be part of it. What I harvested on the calendared date of LammasFor me it feels appropriate & fitting that this has been published today, on the calendar date of Lammas - the festival which marks the first harvest & gathering in the fruits of our labour this year. Embodiment Spirituality and No Words Theology. Is this what was resurrected? Journal entries and theological reflections from Holy Week 2024 is my offering to the Practical Theology Hub. It's an honour to be included. This is a space for anyone with an interest in practical theology to share their reflections and explore new ideas. The discipline of practical theology explores the dialogue that takes place between experience and belief and unites the social and physical sciences and the arts with theology in a conversation about experience and meaning making. Check out my published piece which has been categorised in the auto ethnographic, body theology and journaling categories clicking here In it I draw on my published @girlgodbooks book Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic & Erotic Experiences, traditional academic theology studies & crucially my lived #embodied experience Looking ahead to SeptemberSimultaneously nervous & excited to be a presenter at this conference in Oxford. My presentation is part of the Transformative Education Track, & the Embodiment & Transpersonal in Education session on the Thursday afternoon. I'll be speaking for 20 mins on our book, Embodied Education Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing, which Dan & I researched & co-authored, & which was published last year by @girlgodbooks Creative Bridges, 2024 : Embodied Consciousness, Psyche and Soul in Research & Practice 4-8 Sept in Oxford @aleftrust Interested? Click here Excited to look ahead to Fri 13th Sept @yorkstjohn to the Neurodiversity in Higher Education 2 #NDinHE2 where I'll be presenting: * a poster on the Neurodiverse Connection Neurodivergent Wellbeing Approach Training as the NdC Development Lead ** a creative workshop on our published manual Embodied Education Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing (written by Dan & I, published by @girlgodbooks June 2023) Both presentations centre body first, bottom up, neuroinclusive, trauma informed, sensory friendly, nervous system informed, relational & embodiment paradigm shifting approaches - which support ALL neurotypes. Interested? Click here And, from Neurodiverse ConnectionNeurodivergent Wellbeing Approach (NdWA) is a holistic, Neurodivergent-friendly well-being curriculum that offers education and practical strategies for Neurodivergent individuals, their family members, friends, caregivers, and professionals who support them. The programme is based on the concept of ‘experience to share’ and is designed to promote the wellbeing of participants, which they can then share with those they care for and support. Course A 4 x half-day sessions Weekly at 9:30AM, Tuesdays 10th, 24th September, 1st, 8th October Course B 8 x 90 minute sessions Weekly at 6PM, Tuesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd October, 5th, 12th,19th, 26th November Interested? Click here Printed coursebook available A printed coursebook with all models, exercises and content from the course (plus spaces to fill in the reflection tasks) is available to purchase for an additional £20 fee, including UK postage. May this first harvest serve you well, as we begin to gather in the fruits of our labours this year.
I’ll write again later this month with details of the new Girl God Books Anthology, Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess I have two pieces published within. Its a deeply moving and important publication. Best wishes, Kay x Mentorship with Goddess: Growing Sacred Womanhood by Kay Louise Aldred
Mentorship with Goddess: Growing Sacred Womanhood online evergreen 'Experience to Facilitate' course based on the workbook. A Sacred Woman knows that she is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine. She remembers that Goddess already exists within her: Goddess is her DNA. Indeed, a Sacred Woman reclaims herself as Goddess – a unique strand, frequency and incarnation of her – essential for the completion and wholeness of the spectrum of the collective Feminine. Our bodies are the gateway to recalling this truth. Mentorship with Goddess is an embodied education and evolution, which combines metacognition, intuition, and instinct. It is principally about discovering, accepting, and loving yourself, and simultaneously protecting and vulnerably showing up as your whole Self in the world. Mentorship with Goddess is a rite of passage and holistic wellbeing curriculum of feminine wisdom for women of all ages. It is especially suitable for times of bodily transition - adolescence to adulthood 13-28 years and perimenopause 37-55 years. Having your own copy of the workbook is mandatory and essential before you begin. Course Includes: 10 videos & 9 audios Which outline and discuss the content of each module, offer facilitation suggestions, and demonstrate activities and exercises from the book. 4 Bonus Videos The Diamond Centre: Your Body as Goddess - 90-minute Live Video Recording with Kay Louise Aldred Speak as Wise Woman Goddess - 90-minute Live Video Recording with Kay Louise Aldred Reign as Queen Goddess - 90-minute Live Video Recording with Kay Louise Aldred Initiation and Dedication Ceremony $299 for the Year Long Programme The Course is built on the Wheel of the Year - You can jump in at any time. |
AuthorKay Louise Aldred MA, PGCE Archives
February 2025